2014년 10월 19일 일요일

South Korean ferry disaster: insensible of safety

I've lived over more than 20 years in this beautiful and peaceful country. I never had any kind of experience of war or serious disaster in my whole life. In fact, I believe none of my ages who lives in Korea would not have experience of this. However, that I did not got into any troubles before doesn't mean that it will never happen to me. People, including me, these days, have no caution to uncertain dangers.  We all believe that those kind of unwanted disaster will not happen to us. But, we are totally wrong!! 

This April 16, a tragic incident happened near Jin-Do island. The Sewol Ferry with over 500 borders had sunk in to the ocean. Many people died there and most of them were student. 

(link shared : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p22WSP3wSVU)

This tragic occurs me that we are deeply in the insensible of safety. 


Have you ever thought of got into dangerous situation? If you have, What would you do.

Have you ever check the exit at the theater? If you have, Please tell us the proper way to use exit line safely.

Do you fasten your seat belt or put on your protection gear?

Do you have an idea to make people sensible of safety?

What do we need to prevent those unwanted incident.